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Hello there! My name is Alecs and I am so excited that you found my blog! Now it's time to cuddle up with your favorite furry friend, mine is my cat Goof, and start reading! 


June 24, 2023

Year Six of Marriage

We tackled a kitchen renovation project and spent all of our time working on it.

We tore our kitchen out until it was an empty room, and then rebuilt it from there.

We had game nights with friends and laughed until our faces hurt.

We took photos together for our anniversary and enjoyed a cool fall evening together.

We celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary and realized we actually really like sushi.

We found out more and more of our friends were cat people and took movie breaks to pet the cats.

We chases around our nieces and nephews even though we know they are getting faster than us.

We taught our nephews new board games and video games to play.

We skipped going on a big trip and then regretted it and started planning another trip.

We enjoyed cooking together in our new kitchen.

We got addicted to playing Plateup! and working together to run a restaurant.

We learned how to tile a backsplash, and were very happy to be done and never do that again!

We found more games to play and puzzles to solve together.

We told our families we were pregnant.

We started planning the nursery and went to so many doctor appointments

We got things ready for the new baby!

Year One of Marriage

Year Two of Marriage

Year Three of Marriage

Year Four of Marriage

Year Five of Marriage


Alecs Kay Photography is a Wedding & Portrait Photographer in Fargo, ND

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